Our services

Welding of metal parts
Welding of parts made of steel and aluminium, assembly of lightweight constructions.
Cutting with a band saw
Cutting profiles and pipes of any length made of structural steel, stainless steel and aluminium.
Teko Laser – Investment leader in Małopolska
Treko Laser Sp. z o.o. started its activity in 1992 and is now celebrating its 32th anniversary. Four GAZELA BIZNESU (BUSINESS GAZELLE) awards, an award in DZIENNIK POLSKI DAILY’s competition for INVESTMENT LEADERS IN MAŁOPOLSKA, as well as the title of Dąb Małopolski (The Lesser-Poland Oak) in the Entreprenuer category serve as a reflecti on of the development of our company.
Our projects

Call us
+48 12 256 00 01

ul. Hałacińskiego 10
32-050 Skawina

godz. 07:00-15:00

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